Saturday 2 April 2011

Pyjama Bags

As our bathroom is downstairs the boys keep their pyjamas on a peg by the stairs to put on after washtime. I made these, applique and all, for them.

Thursday 3 June 2010

Neglected Blog & Carnival Party

Dear neglected Blog - things have been rather busy with everyone's birthdays and such. Here are some piccies of my eldest son's fabulous Carnival Party

The Invitation - we printed on card and were small (luggage tag size ) - got really lucky and found some tiny brown envelopes which fitted perfectly!

The Cake - 3 layers of sponge with buttercream, I painted onto the icing with food dye and used strawberry laces as hair. I couldn't eat the main cake but the laces were yummy!

Wednesday 6 January 2010


When we woke at 7am there was that telltale silence where you know it's snowed and you go to the window and peek out. It was beautiful this morning before anyone and stepped on the soft virgin snow. Then the children we're out on our street laughing and playing. Sam and a neighbour's son made this fantastic snowman - my only input was finding the accessories. Definitely the biggest snowman I've ever seen! It was a really magical day.

Saturday 19 December 2009

Giant Paper Snowflake

The boys and I made a giant paper snowflake this afternoon. I think it turned out stunning and Sam really enjoyed it. We're going to make a pair of half sizers to hang either side tomorrow.

Thai Salmon & Sticky Coconut Rice

Decided to do something different with the salmon tonight - Baked Thai-style marinated Salmon on sticky Coconut Rice with peas and carrot shavings. Although Jack usually hates rice he ate half his and half his salmon! I thought it was super yummy!

Friday 18 December 2009

Christmas Cards at last!

Finally finished my Christmas Cards! After much dibbing and dabbling settled on a design I liked. Copper pearlescent paper layed with white card and stars stamped in copper acrylic paint with pearl buttons and tiny sleigh bells. Must start them earlier next year methinks!

Saturday 12 December 2009

Room for 2

Finally got round to making the girls a Room for 2! I had some leftovers from an unfinished project that have been hanging around in my fabric box waiting to get used. So I made them into this cosy. The seams arent hidden but I used the strongest boning I could find to keep the entrance open and I'm really pleased with the results - and so are they as they have been snuggling up in there together.